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Posts Tagged ‘leadership’

delta (part II)

Posted by Jonathan Chant on 0:33, January 20, 2009

A few posts ago, I commented on the current state of the Canadian government. There was (and still could be) change coming to Canada’s political world. The same is definitely true for our friends south of the border. After many grueling campaigns, over $1.5 billion, and 131,237,603 votes, change was elected to the United States presidency on November 4.

It was a very interesting campaign and election to watch. First seeing who would receive the democratic nomination (the first female or African-American presidential nominee) and then the actual historical presidential campaigns and election. Many things were said, dug up, promised, revealed, and shown. All in all, a spectacular ride.

hopeWhat struck me the most were the speeches made, especially those from Barack Obama. Before last year’s presidential elections, I always thought it was unfortunate how disproportionately the speeches and debates helped guide who the voters would vote for, whether it’s to elect a country’s leader or a high school’s student council. I use to think, “Public speaking isn’t really a good indicator of someone’s leadership skills. What does public speaking have to do with leadership?” But after watching some of Obama’s inspiring speeches, I realized just how important a leader’s speaking skills are, especially for those who are heads of state.

What does a leader do? Lead people, right? What if nobody follows the leader? Is he/she really a leader then? That’s why I now believe it’s essential for great leaders to have outstanding public speaking skills. One of their responsibilities is to inspire those they are leading. It isn’t only the leaders of a country or organization that make an impact, it’s everyone that’s a part of that group. If the leader cannot inspire or motivate their group to greater and better things, then he/she isn’t really much a leader.

So that brings me back to Barack Obama. He was able to inspire and motivate not only Americans, but people from all of the world (myself included) like no presidential candidate has done in a very long time. His campaign was based on change and millions of people bought into it, believed change is needed & is coming, and that Obama is the man to lead it.

Now on the eve of his inauguration, people all of the world are waiting to see if this inspirational family man from Chicago will make good on all his words and lead this awe-inspiring change. Expectations are high and hope is in the air. I for one cannot wait to see what’s in store for America and consequently the rest of the world in the next 4-8 years. Exciting times!

“Change we can belive in”

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